Our furniture is built with 18th century craftsmanship. All of our pieces are crafted from solid woods, faced with high - quality veneers and inlays. All bronze work has been chiseled with precision detail. As our pieces are all hand - crafted in Europe, delivery time is approximately 10 weeks.
At your home, LG will clean and wax your furniture, do small repairs, touch-ups, faux finish, goldleafing, etc.
We also go anywhere in the US, set up a small workshop, and do any restoration, including, furniture, porcelain, antique tiles, gilding and more.
LG can refinish your scratched dining room set or any of your home and garden furniture in 2 weeks time. We will do mirror - like lacquer finishes for your Art Deco pieces.
Our finishes are guaranteed water and alcohol resistant and will last for years to come.
LG Antique Restoration & Appraisal 3211 Mc Manus Ave. Los Angeles, CA90034 ph: 310-838 - 0458 parislolo@aol.com